If you're looking for more gentle introductions to Python, see Python for Beginners or the Python Language Tutorial. See also this list of tutorials.
Got a question? Try posting on the comp.lang.python users list (also available as an email list). This is a great place to ask questions and get very well thought out answers... because people that use Python like to help others get started with it!
Python for .NET provides tight integration with Microsoft's .NET.
VB to Python Converter is a utility for converting Visual Basic GUIs into Python.
Plone is a full-featured content management system built on top of Zope. See also this article.
Webware is another well-established web development framework for Python.
CherryPy is a web development framework that claims a unique "less code, more power" approach.
The Web Framework Shootout compares these and other options.
Python and Apache can be used efficiently together with the mod_python plug in (which avoids CGI overhead).
Clearsilver can be used with Python.
Complex integrated internet applications may benefit from Twisted, which is a sophisticated framework for building networked applications.
Also available: a general guide to Web Programming in Python
Sourceforge's Python Web services projects.
Harvesting website content with Python
Generating Dynamic Documents with Python
PyQt is a robust commercial option. See also this article.
wxPython is one of the leading open source options. See Getting Started with wxPython and WxPython Cookbook. Also available: This wxPython for Newbies on IBM developerWorks.
PyGTK is great for Linux/Unix and, to some extent Windows with pygtk and win32gtk patches from Archaeopteryx. There is ongoing development for a Mac OS native port. Because GTK's internal design makes subclassing C code with Python easy, PyGTK is a cross-platform option to watch.
Python Card is a rapid application development environment for WXPython GUIs. Get started quickly by following the simple instructions in the PythonCard User's Guide.
Beginning Python for Bioinformatics
Curses programming with Python
For tasty recipes, see the Python Cookbook.
See also this list of Python articles by David Mertz.
PyChecker is a static analysis tool for finding bugs in Python source code, much as a compiler does for non-interpreted languages.
Python Package Index (PyPI) and The Vaults of Parnassus are good places to look for Python packages that aren't in the Python Standard Library.