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Memory Management


The calculator has two types of memory: RAM and Flash ROM. The following table gives detailed information on both of these types of memory.
TypeAmountSegmented into?Details
RAM 512 KB (HP 49g series); 128 KB (HP 48g series) System memory, user memory, port 0, and port 1 (HP 49g series) System memory: stores system variables. Users can not access this type of memory.

User Memory: contains the HOME directory (and its subdirectories), history, working memory, and a number of temporary variables created either by the system or by executing programs.

User Memory: contains the HOME directory (and its subdirectories), history, working memory, and a number of temporary variables created either by the system or by executing programs.

User Memory: contains the HOME directory (and its subdirectories), history, working memory, and a number of temporary variables created either by the system or by executing programs.
Flash ROM (HP 49g series) 2 MB System memory, and port 2 System memory: extension of RAM system memory. Port 2: used to store objects that are created or downloaded.
NOTE: Objects stored in port memory can be called or executed, but they cannot be viewed or edited unless they are copied to the main memory.

Calculator symbol key

The procedures in this document use the following text to represent symbol keys:
KeyDescriptionText representation
Right shift key RS
Left-shift key LS
Move cursor left cursor-left
Move cursor right cursor-right
Move cursor up cursor-up
Move cursor down cursor-down

Using port memory

Objects that are to be kept should be moved from the user memory to the port memory. This not only makes more user memory available for everyday operations, but it puts objects to keep into a safer storage environment.

Moving objects to port memory

To move objects to the HP 49g series calculator's port memory, do the following:
  1. Use the FILE MANAGER to select the object to move. To access the FILEMANAGER, press LS, then FILES.
  2. Press MOVE (the directory tree is redisplayed).
  3. Press cursor-up and cursor-down until the destination port is highlighted.
  4. Press OK.
  5. Press CANCEL to return to the DEFAULT display.
    NOTE: A warning is displayed if an object of the same name already exists in the destination port. In this case, either overwrite the existing object by pressing YES or ALL, cancel the operation by pressing ABORT or NO, or rename the object that is being moved by pressing REN.